Revitalization Form Date / Time * Are you a pastor of the church or a representative of the church? * Pastor Representative Personal Info: Name * First Last Phone Number * Email Address * Any other info to contact you: Are you currently married? * Yes No Have you been divorced? * Yes No Do you meet all requirements of 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1:6-9? * Yes No Are you full time or bi-vocational? Full time Bi-vocational How long have you been pastor there? Church Info: Church: * How long has the church been in existence? How long have you been pastor there? What is the average attendance? Are you full time / bi-vocational? How many missionaries / church planters are supported? What does your debt structure of the church look like? What is the churches expenses vs income? Revitalization Info: Why do you think the church is in need of a revitalization? What are the church's strengths? What are the church's weaknesses? Does the church have a secretary in place? Yes No Does the church have a youth pastor in place? Yes No Does the church have a music director in place? Yes No What does your outreach look like currently? When are your services each week? What big events do you have each year? Missions conference, steward conference, revival, etc. What results would you like to see in a revitalization? Doctrinal & Preference Info: What version of Bible do you use? * What is your stance on church music? * What is your stance on creation? * What is your stance on baptism? * What is your stance on salvation? * What is your stance on the trinity? * What is your definition of church? * Local & Visible Local & Invisible Universal & Visible Please explain why you chose your above answer: * What are your thoughts on Calvinism? *